Monday, June 18, 2007

New breath for aging pet.

After having my faithful Kancil car for over 12 years, it's really time for a full overhaul of the engine. The car gets me to alot of places and saves me bundles of money. The car also taught me lessons after being towed 3 times in it's lifespan till now. Love that car.

So after checking for a good place for an overhaul, I finally go to one workshop here in Pumpong. The towkey told me that to overhaul will cost me two thousand bucks , whereas if I change the whole engine, it will cost me less than a thousand bucks. So it became an obvious choice..

..anyway as he was tryin to explain to me that he does this engine change thing always, he's pointing out to blocks of engine from various cars to show me...

"Ini kereta Toyota punya, dua belas valve punya..ini pun kita tukar, ini kancil punya, serupa lu punya.. ini CAMALA punya..."

"Aik? Kereta apa tu?"

By this time I thought he also changed a Camaro's engine for a car that looks like this..

...then I ask again.."kereta apa? CAMALA ka..." then he says "Ya lah.."

Then I had a deep thought......oh I see its a..

Kembara. (Oo..not the sportscar lah..)

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