Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No it doesn't bug me..

My eldest son Mickey has his very own quirks in the sense that he is easily affected by the things that happens around him. For instance, he'd stop doing his homework once the TV is on or very rigid about any change of plans that we might had uttered earlier.

This evening I was at my parent-in-law's house and as always, the TV would be at full blast while the 'audience' who's suppose to be there would be walking elsewhere in the house. Not wanting to be rude being asian and all, i'd normally wouldn't interfere with the house's matters although i'm quite particular on wastage of resources and energy (and not forgetting.. money) in my own home.

Anyway, i was on my own netbook watching U2's Magnificient MTV on youtube. Because of the uncomfortable noise, Mickey had said this to me, "look at them, they on the TV at full blast, then nobody watch. I want to hear the song also cannot..."

His words are quickly answered by my second son Zehn, "Nevermind lah. Two also can hear what." and gave his big smile.

This made me realise that my two son will be taking a different path in life. From the way things look, its likely that Zehn's perspective and journey through life is going to be easier than his elder brother. I just turned to Mickey and say "See?". Its a quick lesson with a good example for an elder brother.

It is also a lesson to me, maybe to the rest of us too that perhaps we should be viewing life in the lighter side of it. A lesson maybe only a 4 years old could teach grown-ups like us.

What do you think?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Talk is indeed cheap..and sometimes crap

This morning I was driving my car to work and I heard one of the topic discussed by the morning show DJs :

"If you love someone, should you change him/her or should you just accept them as who they are."

..so there was this one female caller who said something like this:
"well if you love someone, you shouldn't expect to change the person you love, but instead because of love...you YOURSELF MUST CHANGE in the name of love...." (..and i thought to myself..what a romantic sensible girl..) "...for example if your girlfriend told you smoking is BAD for health, you should change because you love your girlfriend..."

What?! She's talking all the good things..then suddenly blurted the actual truth in the relationship - instead of HER accepting that the boyfriend is a smoker, she's expecting HIM to change. All so conveniently-neatly-gift wrapped in the name of love...wtf?

Typical. Thats what I said to myself (with my eyes rolling..).

I read a column somewhere too in which a woman wrote something like this :

"Dear Doc, I'm a woman 27yrs of age and consider myself a very open minded person. As a career woman of the millineum i'm all too aware of the open mindedness that is required....bla bla bla..."

"My greatest problem currently is because my boyfriend loves to put pictures of naked women as his desktop wallpaper. It's not that I oppose that the picture could be readily available anywhere on the web, but...bla bla bla" signed Miss Millenium.

And the Doc's answer was something like this..

"Dear Miss Millenium, ....as you had declared yourself to be open minded, you should be understanding enough to be aware that the pictures are in abundance in the web and by putting it on the screen of your boyfriend's PC will not hurt your relationship..as he is not going out with another woman... As such you should not worry as there is no harm in his habits of displaying or having possession of such pictures."

Yeah well... talk about bullshitting. Some kinda 'open mindedness' you wanna brag about missy... this is just a case of one of those 'talk is cheap'. Well because the nature of the talk is cheap...that's why sometimes most of it sounds like crap too.. ^_~"

Me and my 1968 hard drive

I think I've been a bad boy of blog. I'd be a strong example of what a blogger shouldn't do...create a blog and take up webspace to only visit it again 2 years after. But hey...i'm sure there's plenty more of you out there that would do the same (trying hard to vanquish my guilty conscience..).

Well yeah..i'll just see what i can do about it.

Took me about a good solid 45 minutes before I could even remember how to get in here.... that's what happens when you're using one of those 1968 HDD drives. They tend to squeaks and squeal before you could squeeze any data out of them.. :)