Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm afraid of heights

My friends are kind enough to bring me up the 'Eye on Malaysia'. I freak out.

I must confess that I'm afraid of heights. Be it on a ferris wheel with cage steel as big as your thumb - or an enclosed air-cond compartment. Lucky thing it's at night... plus i was holding my cam all the time taking the video and pictures.

Still freaks me out watching the video :P


fayyong said...

haha..cant imagine a diver afraid of heights..

fayyong said...

u're so lucky to hop on to the gondolas..i've never been there even.. -_-"

scubaz said...

I can't drive there cuz I don't know the roads of KL. But I would gladly teman you there. But I'd probably freak out going into the gondolas again..

Sharks are okay.